Miami real estate

My Insights, Market Updates, Business News, Community Events

November 1, 2013

The Pros & Cons of Using a Realtor to Buy & Sell Real Estate

  Real estate today is like the wild, wild west. From multiple offers to back-up contracts, it can be daunting! In times like this, people question […]
September 13, 2013

South Florida Real Estate: The Million Dollar Market

I know I’ve been preaching for a long time about the rebound of our market and you’re probably sick of me talking about it…but I’m back […]
September 6, 2013

Miami Real Estate Tools: The Importance of a Home Inspection

It’s Real Estate 101 – the first thing you do when you go under contract on a home is schedule your inspections. This is an important […]
August 30, 2013

Reading, Writing & Miami Real Estate

Welcome back! With school finally back in session and everyone getting back into their day to day routines, I’m feeling the real estate market pick up […]
May 24, 2013

What’s the value of my South Florida home?

It’s no longer a secret that the Miami real estate market is back – articles are running in the Herald, the Wall Street Journal is writing […]