466 results found for: waterfront


Thank YOU For Another Wonderful Year!

Interested in real estate in Miami? My areas of specialty are Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, Pinecrest, Ponce-Davis, South Miami and waterfront properties. Feel free to call […]


Luxury Real Estate in Miami

I know I constantly talk about how much our market has rebounded already and what progress we’ve made in our recovery. If you saw the cover […]


An Update on Interest Rates

People ask all the time how interest rates are doing, so I thought I’d give a brief update on them this week. Interest rates have been […]


Miami’s Highest Sale Yet!

The most expensive sale in Miami-Dade County’s history officially hit the records last week.  I wrote an article a couple weeks ago about the rumors we […]


Wanted: Real Estate Posts!

It’s an interesting market right now with so little inventory and so many buyers looking. Realtors are having to get creative for their clients and with […]


Real Estate Market Update: Zip code 33143

Headlines everywhere proclaim that the Miami market is improving and prices are rising! We’ve known this for some time but finally sales are closing so statistics […]