466 results found for: waterfront

South Florida Events

Two More Cancelled Events

Covid-19 strikes again! This time, it has caused the cancellation of two large South Florida events: Art Basel and the Tortuga Music Festival. Not only are […]

Interest Rates Remain Low

Interest Rates to Remain Low

During its September meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voted to keep interest rates between 0% – 0.25%, and all indications point to those rates […]

Home Edit

Netflix and Organize!

Have you seen the new Netflix show Get Organized with The Home Edit? It is about a Nashville-based organization company called The Home Edit, founded by […]

Luxury Miami Realtor

What is Wabi-Sabi?

The more I learn about it, the more I like the idea of wabi-sabi because it is not simply embracing imperfection, although that is a part […]